Fix from “Tutorial: Deploying WordPress with Capistrano” by Konstantin Kovshenin
I was using the three blog posts by Konstantin Kovshenin about using Capistrano with WordPress. The blog post tutorials were written in 2011.
I kept having issues with the symlink code used in the post. The code looks like this:
namespace :myproject do
task :symlink, :roles => :app do
run "ln -nfs #{shared_path}/uploads #{release_path}/application/wp-content/uploads"
after "deploy:symlink", "myproject:symlink"
Problem: Tasks not being executed on cap deploy
Not having a Ruby background, I couldn’t easily debug the situation. To keep it short, every time I cap deploy
the commands in the :myproject
would not execute.
I believe the newest Capistrano no longer uses the "deploy:symlink"
as a valid trigger. Therefore, the snippet originally provided was not working.
Solution: Change trigger
It’s not a fancy outcome, but I changed the line:
after "deploy:symlink", "myproject:symlink"
after "deploy", "myproject:symlink"
Now my symlink is run correctly and I am able to see my tasks run when I cap deploy
This is a fix to issues I found in Tutorial: Deploying WordPress with Capistrano](