Archives for July 2014
“Too many tweets. Please stop”
Yesterday I noticed a trend in the @publicarfound account following rating. I was getting a fluctuation of followers at the 2610 range. The numbers would go up, then down, then back up again.
Later in the day, I got an email from a follower. The email asked if I’d know how to reduce the number of posts coming out of the account. The person felt the sheer amount was overwhelming. I got another email from Gary telling me the same thing.
This morning, I noticed the follower count jumped again to 2630. Im not sure what this means. Its clear that people don’t want their feeds overwhelmed with a single type of content. I think the sheer amount of content gives me an advantage in surfacing in search results. I also think the sheer amount makes the account hard to follow. Especially if you don’t have a active news feed.
I think from this, I can do a few things:
- Curate the content I am putting out.
- Throttle the quantity of posts going out.
- Change the condition for retweeting content (ie. already has favorites/retweets)
- Create multiple accounts that specialize in various hashtags.
For now, I shut off the high traffic retweet tags. I suspect this will significantly reduce the rate of followers.
I believe the type of users I will attract by increasing the content quality will be better than the people who would consume the high quantity. This is an assumption that I need to test.