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Ive been working through publicartfound and struggling to pinpoint the way I want to display content. I feel like the problem Im trying to solve is not unique, but I can’t seem to find an example that I like. Im manually adding entries into the website, but this is not the scalable option.
I dont know how to best populate the site and I dont know how I want to display what is on the site.
I have the problem of having a lot of generic graffiti images that need to be tagged. The content itself is rich, but for it to be useful to others, it needs to searched and faceted. Ive considered various approaches to releasing a set amount of content at a consistent interval and letting people vote on the highest quality content. Ive also considered making a “game” out of identifying the artist in a picture. Neither of them feel right.
I want to be able to display a homepage of the most relevant content to a user, based on the location or style of the content. If you knew the style preferences of the user, then you could display that content as the landing page. The content in a facebook newsfeed or a tumblr dashboard uses people’s network to accomplish this. Other services may pull a user’s IP address or user input to do this.
I also like the ability to have a “most popular” based content page. People would engage with the content if it is known to be the “highest” quality selections that the service has to offer. I see this frequently with Kickstarter, AirBnb, and various service offerings.
For now, I have a ton of pictures that aren’t well tagged. If I want to use them, I need to figure out a way to effectively display them.