Swet Via Swet
Every 2 seconds, a new graffiti related picture is posted on Instagram. I made a map that visually displays all the geotagged images. About every 10 seconds a new geotagged photo appears.
Update PAF
I created a new home page for public art found. I’ve accumulated over 120,000 images in the last few days and want to start resurfacing them in meaningful ways.
Thinking about the future, I have created the potential for having ads. I took ads off another website and plopped them on. I think they look good, without taking away from the existing content. This is definitely a future direction.
Under 1 minute pitch
There is a boom in the number of amateur street art and graffiti photographers. On Instagram alone, there are over 30 thousand street art photos shared everyday. PublicArtfound is the best place to give those image meaning. We are the only place a photographer goes to share their street art photos, identify artists, and document important facts about their images. We provide a way for artists to showcase their street art projects. Public Artfound wants to capture the attention of street art, public art installation, and graffiti lovers by leveraging their existing loyal communities to help document their work. We recognize that street artists are great brand developers, but bad community engagers. Public Artfound knows that we can turn the attention on street artists into brand partnerships, advertisement revenue, and 100 million monthly active user community. Public Artfound is capturing the attention of trend setters, bloggers, artists, and brands. We are looking to take intelligent next steps to best leverage our existing momentum and attention.
grown up moment
I think I had my first “I’m a grown up” moment.
When I was younger, my mom would take me with her to go shopping. We would always go to Japanese super markets. I would naturally gravitate toward the well engineered aisle for kids. I’d play with the toys and candy, until we were ready to leave. I was never able to convince my mom to buy me the junk food I wanted.
Today, I went to a Japanese super market and bought some groceries I couldn’t find anywhere else. I saw all the sweets that I used to enjoy and want to buy. I left and realized, “wait a minute, I’m a fucking grown up. I can buy all the sweets!”.
Life is awesome.