This seems like the future to me – large groups of independent companies, loosely tied together.
Things are coming along!
- Native table view complete (without design).
- Image asynchronously loading. Smoothly.
- Get user’s current location.
More from last month.
- I experimented with a few low-fidelity responsive webviews (/post/99513313211/deciding-where-to-focus-attention) [^1].
- I created a design based on FourSquare (/post/99694849006) [^2].
- Built a Storyboard iOS prototype (/post/99750074246/graffitifound-prototype-via-iphone) [^3].
- Spent a week in India, learning objective-c (pics) ( [^4].
- [1] Deciding where to focus attention – Oct 8th, 2014
- [2] Untitled – Oct 10th, 2014
- [3] GraffitiFound prototype via iphone – Oct 11th, 2014
- [4] Instagram @rememberlenny
I’ve been learning iOS development/working on the Artfound app recently. I spent my trip to India as a opportunity to focus on learning something new. During the time, I read and worked through iOS Programming from BNR. I learned a LOT.
This is the first time I’ve worked with a statically typed programming language. In the past, I’ve always programmed without thinking about memory consumption. As a result, I’ve been able to quickly explore many areas of web development.
Project is coming along.
I feel that the best companies are started not because the founder wanted a company but because the founder wanted to change the world…. If you decide you want to found a company you maybe start to develop your first idea. And hire lots of workers. But you maybe have lots of ideas and you don’t know which one is best. If the first idea isn’t good, then your company isn’t good. But if you decide to change the world you should try to develop more ideas. If any idea is very good later you found the company.
Mark Zuckerberg (translated from Chinese)
Arrived in Varanasi.