So good
End of year cleaning
Im going through the PA database today and removing all the images that are not geotagged. This is the first round of getting the best set of data for analyzing geotagged graffiti.
Almost 5/8ths of the 300k images stored were not geotagged. I didnโt expect the percentage to be so high. By removing these images, Iโll have a better idea of the actual number of query-able images.
Charts coming soon.
End of year cleaning
Im going through the PA database today and removing all the images that are not geotagged. This is the first round of getting the best set of data for analyzing geotagged graffiti.
Almost 5/8ths of the 300k images stored were not geotagged. I didn’t expect the percentage to be so high. By removing these images, I’ll have a better idea of the actual number of query-able images.
Charts coming soon.
crawling is back online

action > theory
After releasing the Public Art, I felt like I wanted to walk away from the project. I was mentally drained and didnt enjoy the topic anymore. I started looking at a service to help groups (friends/random) coordinate activities together. Its become more of an experiment than anything. Now that I…
action > theory
After releasing the Public Art, I felt like I wanted to walk away from the project. I was mentally drained and didnt enjoy the topic anymore. I started looking at a service to help groups (friends/random) coordinate activities together. Its become more of an experiment than anything. Now that I have settled on the new project, I have gotten back to Public Art.
A few major things that were missing from the release are now on my plate. First of all, the real time feed to Instagram has been paused for months. After the first two weeks of data collection, I paused my image collection process. I was aware of the fact that I was collecting too many images too quickly. I also was running out of database space and knew there was no inherit value for collecting so many images. Now I have gotten the the point where I am flexible enough to address the latter.
I realized that I completely screwed up the initial data set up. I was using various ruby applications that manually patched together database content. Im moving over to bringing everything under one roof and setting up the entire web/api section under one application. In the process, Im reintegrating the data polling to grab Instagram pictures again. This should be running by the end of today.
I launched the iOS app with no extended features. The sharing tool wasa ghetto email link with bad data passed. The flag tool didnt work. It wasn’t even being properly tracked. Im getting to that now. Im creating a system for flagging to work.
I still have a few parts I need to think through. Now that the image polling is reactivated, I need to do something with all this “stuff”. In one of my previous experiments, I was creating individual webpages for each crawled image. This let me get my long tail Google game up. Im going to do this. The only question is how to do it effectively.
I haven’t done anything interesting with the tags. The tags could potentially reveal a lot. I expect there are some tag clusters that would be interesting to follow. I might even be able to do some heavy quality control if I can understand the tag-to-quality relationship.
There is no favoriting system yet. This might not be necessary in the long run, but if the app is to be useful, I might want to create a way for batching/lists. The process of browsing the database makes it very difficult to track down old results. I might create a list of old searches. I might also create a “recently viewed” list.
All this stuff takes time, effort, and attention. If anyone is interested on working with me on this, please reach out! Im looking for front end developers, rails develops, ios developers.