Look at a post on the time-based newsfeed services, such as Instagram, Tumblr or Twitter. Assuming people like or comment when they are using the service, you can use your friends list to calculate the number of ‘active’ users at any point. Based on their activity and the time you choose to post, you can estimate who was exposed to you work. There is a deviation based on the percentage of people who lurk without ‘liking’ and people who directly come to your site. This varies a lot, but the estimation is valuable.
Archives for 2014
For years, poor sleep has been linked to a host of medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, mood disorders and even alcohol dependency. Now a new study published in SLEEP suggests there may be an even bigger problem to worry about: a shrinking and weakening brain.
The study, conducted by researchers from Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, focused on a group of 66 Chinese adults. Every two years, the participants were asked to take a sleep questionnaire, as well as MRI scans and neuropsychological assessments. The result: People who had trouble sleeping had “greater age-related brain atrophy and cognitive decline” than those who rested well every night.